Our Services

Audit & Assurance

Statutory audit is one of UHY's core professional activities.

Our dedicated audit teams are able to provide professional accounting and auditing services that meet your local and international statutory and regulatory requirements. We are here to create optimum solutions designed to meet your specific needs, wherever in the world your business happens to take you.

As with all of our clients, our partner-led team will be committed to providing you with sound commercial advice for any strategic ideas you might have, or any problems you may be experiencing. We will make it our business to understand yours, advise you and make recommendations regarding the development of your business.





can UHY help you?

We are able to assist you with a full range of audit matters, including:





UHY firms have teams of experienced auditors that operate on behalf of entities throughout the world. We pride ourselves on our ability to not only identify opportunities but also offer practical solutions and uncover potential challenges within your business.

We frequently conduct audits on behalf of parent companies where we have a responsibility to manage the audit process across that company’s entire corporate network. Just as often, we act as the auditors of a subsidiary company and apply our skills to ensure that a parent company’s reporting requirements are met. Our industry knowledge tailors audits to your needs while keeping your best interests in mind.

An annual audit event is more than a control procedure or a statutory obligation. It is also an opportunity to provide you with updated insight into your business – an insight that could identify potential threats or opportunities that can factor into your plans. We make thoughtful recommendations allowing you to better manage your business. We aim to avoid surprises by anticipating matters which may present difficulties, and by working with you and the entire team to overcome any problems, as far as practicable, as they are established. Identifying these areas of concern not only improves your efficiency but also provides you with essential knowledge upon which your future business decisions can be based.

We understand that every business is unique and we tailor the services we provide according to the size and nature of your business. This allows us to gain an insight into how your business works and enables us to provide sound advice based on detailed knowledge which can assist in developing future strategies for your business.

We welcome the opportunity to work on multinational audit projects with our international team of UHY member firms. Our thorough understanding of international regulations and legislation means we are positioned to help with complex reporting issues involving Sarbanes-Oxley and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). And even though we have global reach, the size of our network typically keeps us free of the conflicts of interest that at times prevent larger networks from accepting this type of work.

  • Experienced Auditors

  • Identifying Opportunities and Challenges

  • Auditing for Parent and Subsidiary Companies

  • Annual Audit as Insight

  • Tailored Services

  • International Expertise

Meet Our Service Leaders

Michelle Lim

Audit Partner

Tio Shin Young

Audit Partner